Housing Types
As animal welfare and the production of animal products receive increasing attention from society, the animal sectors are adapting. In the Netherlands, this has led to several initiatives for new animal housing systems, including poultry. These systems focus on improving animal welfare based on natural needs and behaviour, such as slower-growing animals, natural light, enrichment materials and more space.
A range of concepts
At one end of the spectrum we find the regular housing system, common in most poultry-producing countries, and at the other end organic farms. Between these extremes, many concepts and initiatives have emerged, each with specific requirements. The Dutch Animal Protection Society, for example, has set requirements for most animal sectors, divided into three-star categories: 1 star means animal welfare slightly above regular, and 3 stars equals organic farming.
Voluntary participation
All poultry farms must comply with European and national legislation. Participation in other initiatives is voluntary, but offers opportunities for further animal welfare improvements.