The Dutch poultry sector is professionally organised. Several organisations bring the sector together and are actively working on various topics related to food safety, animal health and product quality.
The Dutch poultry meat sector is professionally organized. Several sector organizations bring the sector together and are active on a variety of topics related to food safety, animal health and product quality. The sector works under the umbrella of the European Union, of which the Netherlands is a member state.

European Union
As an EU member state, the Netherlands produces under uniform legislation. Products can move freely within the internal market.

The Production Chain
Starting from purebred lines up to the processing of the meat; the production chain includes many steps which all contribute to the high quality end-product.

Sector Organizations
The Dutch poultry sector is very well organized. Several sector organizations, each focused on its own part of the production chain, ensure the interests of the sector and government are aligned and implemented.

Quality Schemes
The poultry industry wants to stand out and deliver the best, safest end product. That is why there are private initiatives for additional controlled quality schemes that make products even better.

Housing Types
Animal welfare is high on the agenda in Dutch society. This has led to a variety of housing for broilers in the Netherlands.