It is clear that food safety is of paramount importance to the poultry industry. Every effort is made to prevent contamination of the product by foreign materials or pathogens. Strict controls, both by producers and competent authorities, ensure that only the safest products reach the end consumer.
It is evident that food safety is of the utmost importance for the poultry meat sector. Every effort is put into prevention of contamination of the product by foreign material or patho- gens. Strict controls both by the producers themselves as well as by the competent authorities ensure that only the safest products are delivered to the end-consumer.

Official Supervision
The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) is the Dutch competent authority. The NVWA keeps strict supervision over the meat producing companies throughout the production chain.

Maybe one of the most well-known pathogens that can infect poultry products. The European poultry sector focusses on reducing the presence already early in the production chain, at the breeding flocks. Of course monitoring is performed throughout the production chain, to ensure a salmonella-free end-product.

The reduction of the presence of this bacterium has become one of the focus points of the Dutch poultry sector in recent years. Actions have already reduced the presence on poultry meat significantly and the sector has agreed on further plans for the future.