Exportslachterij Clazing 2019-01-24T12:52:09+00:00
Dutch Poultry Processors

Bierhoogtweg 17, 2761 JH Zevenhuizen , The Netherlands
info@clazing.nl    |    [ +31 (0) 180-632247 ]   |    www.clazing.nl

A company with a history since 1967!

A modern poultry slaughterhouse in the west of the Netherlands that supplies customers in a large number of countries in Europe with a wide range of excellent chicken products; that is Exportslachterij Clazing.  Our entire production is Halal certified; both the slaughterhouse and the sister companies.

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Quality and Sustainability

In our company, quality and food safety have been central ever since we started. To ensure the quality of our products, resulting in satisfied customers and secured continuity, our quality system is certified by Lloyds for FSSC22000, by HQC for Halal and by KiwaVerin for IKB.

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Production process

The chickens are picked up in consultation with the farmer and the planner. Often our own drivers or regular drivers (employed through regular hired transport companies) transport the animals to the slaughterhouse. Transport and loading is always in accordance with the applicable animal welfare regulations.

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